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Measures for the Payment of Wages by Enterprises in Shanghai Municipality (‘2016 version’) has been taken into effect on 1 August 2016

The ‘Tentative Provisions on Payment of Wages’(LAO BU FA [1994] No.489), and the ‘Supplementary Provisions to the Tentative Provisions on Payment of Wages’ (LAO BU FA [1995] No.226) have prescribed the principles on the payment of wages, many local labor authorities have released local regulations accordingly. 20 years have passed, those regulations have to be updated. Recently, the ‘Measures for the Payment of Wages by Enterprises in Shanghai Municipality’ has been amended again. Compared with the 2003 version, the 2016 version has amended many aspects, in which those articles related to overtime pay shall be highlighted. To clarify the basic…

Measures for the Rating of Enterprises' Labor Security Compliance Credit (the ‘Measures’) will come into force on January 1, 2017

In the recent 8 years, a series of laws, regulations entered into force, such as the ‘Law of Labor Contract’, the ‘Social Insurance Law’ and the ‘Interim Provisions of Labor Dispatch’, in addition with the abolishment of the ‘Regulations on Reward and Penalty for Employees of Enterprises’, the employment situation has a huge change. In order to reduce the legal risks, how to manage the employees legally and reasonably, has become an important task to the employer. The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security has recently released the ‘Measures’. The content of the ‘Measures’ and the trend of the…

Measures for Chattel Mortgage Registration will come into force on September 1 2016

With the increasing needs of financing and transitions of commodities, the disputes on the chattel mortgage are increasing rapidly. In order to protect the guarantee of the creditor’s rights more effectively, recently, the SAT has amended the Measures for Chattel Mortgage Registration. The highlights of the amendment are as follows: To clarify that the right to chattel mortgage shall be established when a chattel mortgage contract comes into force Article 2 has added that ‘the right to chattel mortgage shall be established when a chattel mortgage contract comes into force’. In order to avoid the disputes on whether a chattel…

The newly revised ‘Measures for the Administration of Contingency Plans for Work Safety Accidents’ (the ‘Revised Measures’) will be come into force on 1 July 2016

In view of Tianjin explosion, Kunshan factory explosion and many other work safety accidents are frequently happened recent years, the State Administration of Work Safety released the ‘Revised Measures’. Compare with the ‘Measures for the Administration of Contingency Plans for Work Safety Accidents’ (the ‘Original Measures’)released in 2009, there are several highlights: To specify the responsible person for the contingency plans Article 5 has specified that the main responsible person of an entity shall be responsible to organize the drafting and implementation of the entity’s contingency plans, and shall guarantee the contingency plans are true and practical. To add the…

The Guidelines for the Determination of Patent Infringements (for Trial Implementation) (‘ The Guidelines 2016’) has come into force on 5 May 2016

In 2013, the draft of ‘The Guidelines for the Determination of Patent Infringements’ was released for collecting comments, because it has involved too many aspects and departments, it had not been issued for a long time. So in July 2014, the State Intellectual Property Office issued the ‘The Guidelines for the Determination of Patent Infringements and Counterfeiting Behavior (for Trial Implementation)’ (‘The Guidelines 2014’). After nearly 3 years for collecting comments and amending, ‘The Guidelines 2016’ has been released and come into force on 5 May 2016. Like the ‘The Guidelines 2014’, ‘The Guidelines 2016’ has explained the articles by…

Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate on Several Issues concerning the Application of Law in the Handling of Criminal Embezzlement and Bribery Cases (‘Interpretation’)has come into force on April 18 2016

The Amendment (IX) to the Criminal Law (‘Amendment’) has come into force on November 1 2015. In order to highlight the other factors on identifying an embezzlement crime or a bribery crime, and the penalty, the Amendment has stipulates the monetary threshold as ‘a large amount’, ‘a huge amount’ and ‘an extraordinarily huge amount’, instead of a specified amount. But this change has brought a lot difference on the individual cases. Recently, the Supreme People’s Court and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate have jointly released the Interpretation. There are 20 articles, which covers 11 aspects, including the monetary threshold. There are…

Interpretation I of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues concerning the Application of the Property Law (‘Interpretation I’) has been come into force on March 1 2016

The ‘Property Law’ has been promulgated for nearly 10 years, recently, the Supreme People’s Court released the ‘Interpretation I’, which has further prescribed the issues on the registration of the immovable property, the division of co-owned property, the bona fide acquisition, and etc.. Hereinafter, we would like to introduce the articles about the bona fide acquisition briefly. 2 elements shall be applied on the identification of a bona fide acquisition The assignee would not get to know that the assignor has no right of authorized disposition ‘Interpretation I’ has listed 5 circumstances on this, for example, there is valid dissidence…

The Anti-Domestic Violence Law will come into force on 1 March 2016

The Anti-Domestic Violence Law will come into force on 1 March 2016. This law has prescribed the definition of the ‘Domestic Violence’, which refers to the physical or mental infringement acts conducted to family members by beating, trussing, cruelly killing, forcibly limiting the personal freedom, regular verbal abuse, intimidation or otherwise. On the prevention and management of the Domestic Violence, the highlight of this Law includes: The report system. While found a person with no or limited capacity for civil conduct who experience the Domestic Violence, the staffs of the schools, kindergartens, medical institutions, residents and villagers committees, social work…

The Guideline of the Intellectual Property Asset Assessment (‘Guideline’)will come into force from 1 July 2016

After the State Council has released the ‘Opinions on Accelerating the Construction of Intellectual Property under the New Situation’ in December 2015, the China Asset Assessment Association (‘CAAA’) has released the Guideline in 31 December 2015, which will come into force from 1 July 2016. In fact, for the IP asset assessment issues, based on the categories of assert, CAAA has established a ‘1+3’ system on assessing the value of IP asset, including ‘Asset Assessment Criteria – Intangible Assets’, ‘Guidance on the Patent Asset Valuation’, ‘Guidance on the Trademark Asset Appraisal’ and ‘Guidance on the Copyright Asset Appraisal’. However, even…

The Revised Draft of the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China (Draft for Review) is seeking for public comments

On 2 December, 2015, the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council has published the Revised Draft of the Patent Law of the People’s Republic of China (Draft for Review) (hereinafter referred to the ‘Revision’), and sought for public comments. The Revision has covered 33 articles, in which it has amended 18 articles, added 14 articles and deleted 1 article. The following aspects shall be paid attention to. To amend several articles related to the Design Patent The partial designs shall be protected. The current definition of the ‘Design’ is that any new design of the shape, pattern or their…