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  • 2017-06-13
  • 1 minute Read
Lawyer Kitty Kim was invited to provide a special training on trade secrets to Noritz (China) Co., Ltd.

On May 31, 2017, Kitty Kim, as a lawyer of Hiways Law Firm, was invited to provide a wonderful trade secrets training to Noritz(China) Co., Ltd. The staffs from more than 10 departments of Noritz(China) Co., Ltd. participated in this training. Ms. Kim delivered a speech by case and in the easy-to-understand language, arising the positive thinking and discussion of participants. This training was welcomed by Noritz(China) Co., Ltd.

  • 2017-05-13
  • 3 minutes Read
Administrative Regulations for Special Tax Audit Adjustments and Mutual Agreement Procedures (“[2017] No.6”) has come into force on May 1, 2017

After the SAT has released the “Implementation Regulations for Special Tax Adjustments(Trail)” (“[2009] No.2”) in 2009, in order to furtherly regulate the related party transactions, and integrate with the international taxation policies, SAT has released several detailed rules. Recently, SAT releases the “[2017] No.6”, in which it has furtherly stipulated the special tax audit adjustments and mutual agreement procedures. Compared with “[2009] No.2”, “[2017] No.6” has amended and refined the following main aspects: 1. To add the risk characteristics of the enterprises which shall be paid special attention to. (1) Enterprises with the benefits received do not match with the…

  • 2017-05-13
  • 4 minutes Read
Risk Prevention for Software Development Contracts

With the development of information technology, it is very normal for a company to appoint another company to develop software for operation, production or promotion, such as an official website, mobile APPs, management system software and so on. However, the disputes related to software development contracts raised accordingly. The main reason of these disputes has 2 aspects. Firstly, the commissioning party is not familiar with the relevant technologies, and too many IT jargon words are involved in the contract, which make the commissioning party fails to design a specific contract; secondly, the developed achievement is intangible, which brings uncertain factors…

  • 2017-05-13
  • 4 minutes Read
Common Mistakes Related to Wages In lieu of Notice

Zhao was a sales manager of a Shanghai company, and his monthly base salary was RMB17,000. In September, his actual income was RMB37,650, which included the monthly base salary and the sales commission. Due to the adjustment of the management structure, on 3rd October, the company made the decision to cancel Zhao’s position, and then informed Zhao to dissolve the labor contract after 15 days. Afterwards, Zhao filed an arbitration request, in which he insisted the company failed to notify him in written 30 days in advance, and required the company to pay the “Wages in lieu of Notice” (hereinafter…

  • 2017-04-27
  • 2 minutes Read
“Opinions on Further Enhancing the Mediation and Arbitration of Labor Disputes and Improving the Multi-Dimensional Mechanism for Dispute Resolution” (the “Opinions”) has been released on March 21, 2017

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the Central Public Security Comprehensive Management Commission, the Supreme People’s Court, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Finance, the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce and the China Enterprise Confederation/China Entrepreneurs Association jointly issued the “Opinions “. Although the “Opinion” shall not be directly applied as the judicial basis in hearing labor dispute cases, it reflects the tendency and trend in dealing with labor disputes in the near future. It has a guiding significance. Hereinafter partial of the contents have been selected which are highly…

  • 2017-04-19
  • 6 minutes Read
To Determine the Statutory Compensation in Trademark InfringementCases in China

China’s current “Trademark Law” stipulates 4methods on calculating the compensation for infringement: theplaintiff’s loss, the defendant’s benefits, the reasonablemultiples of the royalties of a registered trademark, and thestatutory compensation. However, the data [1] shows that thestatutory compensation has been applied in more than 90% of thetrademark infringement cases, in which the courts are in favor ofthe plaintiff, in practice. According to paragraph 2, Article 16 of the“Interpretation of the Supreme People’s Court on Certain IssuesConcerning the Application of Law in the Trial of Civil CasesInvolving Trademark Disputes” (hereinafter referred to as to the“Interpretation”), when determining the amount of compensation,many factors…

  • 2017-04-19
  • 4 minutes Read
Whether an Employer Shall be Liable if an Employee Refusedto Take a Pre-departure Occupational HealthExamination?

Bai worked in a Jiangsu chemical industry company, and his position was related to the occupational disease hazards. The company informed Bai to take a pre-departure occupational health examination (hereinafter refers to the “Examination”) via EMS after his labor contract had been expired. But Bai did not take the Examination. Instead, he brought a labor arbitration on the illegal termination of the labor contract against the company, with the reason that the company did not arranged the Examination. After the arbitration and litigation, the court finally ruled in favor of Bai. (See (2015) Ning Min Zhong Zi No.1725 Civil Judgement)…

  • 2017-03-24
  • 2 minutes Read
"Arrangement on Mutual Entrustment for Service of Investigation and Collection of Evidence in Civil and Commercial Cases between the Courts of the Mainland and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region" ("Arrangement”) has come into force on March 1, 2017

The commercial cooperation between mainland China and Hong Kong becomes more frequently, and more and more disputes arise. In addition, many foreign companies tend to choose the courts in Hong Kong as the competent court, while dealing with the mainland companies. So the lawsuits’ problems involve mainland and Hong Kong is a matter of great concern. Previously, for the civil and commercial cases, there is no rules on cross-border collection of evidence, which have brought a lot of problems. To solve these problems, the “Arrangement” has been signed. The main content includes: 1. Evidence shall be collected via the respective…

  • 2017-03-24
  • 3 minutes Read
How to Deal with the Problems Related to the Double Licensing on an Exclusive Right Concerning the Same Trademark?

The trademark right owner A signed a trademark exclusive license contract with B. Later then, A signed another trademark exclusive license contract with C concerning the same trademark. Then who is the authorized licensee? Shall B require C to stop the infringement and compensate for damages? Or B could only require A to undertake the liability for breach of contract? To solve these problems, there are 2 factors shall be taken into consideration: (a) whether any trademark exclusive licensing contract has been submitted for record-filing? (b) whether the later licensee has good faith? Paragraph 2, Article 19 of the “Interpretation…

  • 2017-03-24
  • 4 minutes Read
The Interests of the Victim of a Car Accident on the Way to Work

Zhang had a car accident on the way to work. The driver Wong paid medical expenses(“MEs”), lost wages and other relevant losses. Later then, Zhang requested the company to apply for the work-related injury. The company refused, becauset Zhang had obtained compensation from Wong. Then a dispute arose. It is not rare that a work-related injury would be concurrence with a third-party infringement. Article 30 to 45 of the “Regulation on Work-related Injury Insurance” stipulate the benefits of the work-related injury insurance. Article 16 of the “Tort Law” prescribes the compensation categories on a third-party infringement. There are many items…