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  • 2021-10-30
  • 4 minutes Read
Investigation on anti-corruption vs. protection on personal information

Employees’ fraud not only damages employers’ interests and social image, but also corrupts workplace atmosphere. If employers fail to manage such behaviors, it would encounter “the embankment of a thousand miles, collapsed in an ant’s nest.” Therefore, many companies attach great importance to compliance management, establish anti-corruption investigation mechanisms and rules, and several companies even set up anti-corruption reward funds to reward the report person. Recently years, cases involve employee corruption in well-known companies have been verified and released in the newspapers from time to time. However, anti-corruption investigations would inevitably involve employees’ personal information (“PI”), because you have to…

  • 2021-10-30
  • 4 minutes Read
How to fire a trade union president who has seriously violated discipline?

Zhan is the purchasing manager and trade union president of Shanghai K Company. K fired Zhan for serious violation of rules and regulations due to fake sick leave. Zhan filed labor arbitration, claiming that K had illegally terminated the labor contract with the reason that K had not obtained the consent of the trade union at the next level up. In order to protect committee members of a trade union from unfair treatment due to their performance of their duties, the “Trade Union Law”, the “Interim Measures for the Protection of the Legal Rights and Interests of the Trade Union…

  • 2021-10-30
  • 3 minutes Read
On October 9, 2021, SIPO issued the "Reply on the Application of Provisions Regarding Patent Counterfeiting in the Patent Law and the Suspected False Patent Advertisements in the Advertising Law"

High-tech is an important selling point of many products. Several companies even take patent as a focus on product’s packaging or in advertisements. However, improper labeling may commit patent infringement and/or false publicity. Such situation may encounter the dispute on the application of relevant provisions in the “Patent Law” or the “Advertising Law”, which may further bring the conflict of the two different authorities, the market supervision and management authority or the intellectual property management authority, and the conflict of administrative penalties by the two authorties. In view of this, SIPO and SAMI discussed the aforesaid problem, and on Oct.…

  • 2021-09-30
  • 4 minutes Read
Whether parties that violate laws and are dishonest could apply for repairing credit? —- The new regulations of SAMR has come into effect on September 1, 2021

In order to provide more opportunities for parties which violate laws and are dishonest to correct their illegal or dishonest acts, rebuild credit, and further stimulate the awareness of honest and law-abiding operations, the SAMR has published 3 policies, which are the “Administrative Measures for the List of Subjects with Seriously Illegal or Dishonest Acts under Market Regulation”, the “Provisions on the Publicity of Administrative Penalty Information on Market Regulation”, and the “Administrative Measures on Credit Repair for Market Regulation”. Those 3 policies have come into force on September 1, 2021. Due to space limitations, we have chosen the main…

  • 2021-09-30
  • 4 minutes Read
Is there any risks related to endorsing commodities via We-media?

Have you ever been attracted by a commodity’s using experience video on “Xiao Hong Shu” app? Maybe some of you have brought the endorsed commodity. Have you ever been touched by an article published via a WeChat official account? You found it had aroused your internal idea, the structure was so smooth, a commodity or service was just so matched, you would have the same using experience, you liked the brand, and finally you wanted to buy one. The video and article mentioned above are the so-called “Advertorial”. An “Advertorial” is a concept compared to “Advertisement”. Normally, an “Advertorial” refers…

  • 2021-09-30
  • 4 minutes Read
Risks and prevention regarding the background investigation of “Employees”

The background investigation of “Employees” involves two circumstances. An employer requires an investigation of its candidate, or an employer is required to provide information of its former employee. Such investigation involves employees’ personal information which is sensitive. Recently, with the release of the “Personal Information Protection Law”, HRs become more alert to such investigation. Here, we would like to talk about the risks related to such investigation, and the relevant prevention measures. First, when an employer requires an investigation of its candidate, the following issues are worth to be noted. (1) What is the source of the relevant information? If…

  • 2021-08-30
  • 4 minutes Read
The “Personal Information Protection Law” will be come into effect on November 1, 2021

After ten years discussion, and several drafts, the widely concerned “Personal Information Protection Law” has finally been promulgated and will come into effect on November 1, 2021. As a special law on regulating the protection of personal information (“PI”), the “Personal Information Protection Law” has made relatively comprehensive and systematic articles for the protection of “PI”. Although some articles need to be clarified or refined, in view of the recent legislative background and individual cases, considering of reducing legal risks, we recommend enterprises to conduct a comprehensive self-review on the basis of this law. Due to space limitations, we only…

  • 2021-08-30
  • 4 minutes Read
Is there any legal risk in marking a company’s LOGO on the commercially available products as a gift to customers?

While discussing the 20th anniversary celebration event of Company M, the planning department proposed to buy a batch of thermos, mark with M’s logo, and distribute to consumers and other commercial partners as souvenirs. Some staffs questioned about this proposal from the perspective of legal risk prevention and control. Generally speaking, the marks on a product or its packaging mainly have 4 functions: 1) to distinguish the source of goods by using a trademark or a design patent; 2) to meet the needs of consumers for acquiring product quality liabilities; 3) to regulate fair competition, and protect consumers’ right to…

  • 2021-08-30
  • 4 minutes Read
What are "Shared Employment" and "Platform Employment"?

“Shared Employment” (“SE”) and “Platform Employment” (“PE”) become very popular in recent years. They are always mentioned as a method to reduce labor cost in social Medias. However, many enterprises donot have a comprehensive picture of the two, such as the employment model, the difference from normal employment, and relevant risks. Let’s talk about the “SE”. At the beginning of 2020, due to the epidemic, the majority enterprises had to suspend operation, especially those enterprises in the catering and tourism industries, at the same time, manufacturers of anti-epidemic products, logistics enterprises and a few enterprises which could and must operate…

  • 2021-07-30
  • 3 minutes Read
“Administrative Penalty Law” has been implemented on July 15, 2021

The reversion of the “Administrative Penalty Law” (“Reversion”) is adopted at the 25th Session of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People’s Congress of the PRC on Jan. 22, 2021, and has been implemented on Jul. 15, 2021. The Reversion has amended many articles, and we chose some articles which are relevantly more important to enterprises for reference. “No penalty for the first time violation” Article 33 of the Revision stipulates: “……Where an offender violates the law for the first time with minor harmful consequences and makes corrections in a timely manner, no administrative penalty may be imposed on…