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All posts by haihua

Significant Negotiation

Brief introduction: In the summer of 2015, the shareholders of an e-commerce company had disputes on running the business. Both the holding shareholder and the founding shareholder would like to purchase the counterparty’s share, so they could not make an agreement on the share transfer. The target amount is RMB 200,000,000. The founding shareholder entrusted our team to represent him to negotiate with the holding shareholder. Our team assisted the client to design the negotiation plan, adjust the negotiation plan, and conducting the negotiation, finally, our team helped the client to purchase the share with a very reasonable price. And…

A Copyright Criminal Case

The defendant has reprinted more than 3000 novels of “Qidian Website” (one of the biggest Chinese novel website), finally the defendant was only ruled for probation Brief introduction: The defendant Zhao was claimed for reprinting more than 3000 novels of “Qidian Website” to his own website “Guan XX”. “Qidian Website” has the exclusive license of those novels. Zhao had made profits amounting to millions by selling commercial advertisement on his own website. Zhao was under arrest by Putuo Sub-bureau of Shanghai Public Security Bureau. The wife of Zhao entrusted us to be his defense attorney. After analyzed the appraisal issues…

Patent Fight Between Two Giant Telecom Companies—- Retrial Case of the Supreme High People’s Court

Brief introduction: Company Z claimed that Company H has used one of its patents in two telecom products, and brought the lawsuit to an intermediate people’s court in Shanxi province. The court for the first instance determined that Company H had infringed the patent of Company Z. The court for the second instance sustained the decision of the court for the first instance. In 2014, Company H entrusted us. After analyzed the relevant problems, we decided the cause for retrial, and prepared all the relevant documents. The Supreme People’s Court received the retrial application. The retrial procedure was suspended because…

3 Years, Formulating the Trade Secrets Protection System of a Giant R&D State-owned Entity

Brief introduction: A R&D state-owned entity has more than 20 departments (including more than 10 R&D departments), and nearly 3000 staffs. Every day, it also has hundreds of people who are providing consulting service on site. The entity has to conduct R&D by its own staffs, and it has to work with many vendors as well. In addition, the headquarter of this entity has set several requirements on the management of Trade Secrets, so the Trade Secrets protection system of this entity shall also meet the requirements of the headquarter. At the end of 2012, our team started to diagnose…

The Amount of Damages as Decided in the Criminal Judgement Was Chopped Down in the Civil Lawsuit!

Brief introduction: In the criminal case on Trade Secrets infringement, Shanghai First Intermediate High People’s Court decides that Company Y and other 2 defendants had infringed the technical information of Company M, the amount of the illegal profit is amounting to RMB588,000. Later then, Company M files a civil lawsuit against Company Y, and requires Company Y to compensate the damage amounting to RMB588,000 and other reasonable expense amounting to RMB 200,000. In 2013, Company Y entrusted our team. Finally, upon a well-prepared negotiation and communication, the case was mediated. And Company Y only compensated RMB 260,000 to Company M.…

The Vice-GM of a Giant Japanese-invested Company was sentenced into jail for infringing his former employer’s trade secrets, by stealing more than 100,000 pieces of drawings and producing the same products

Brief introduction: Company R found its vice-GM Ping X, a Japanese, had established Company F in Anhui province. Company F produced and sold the same products as Company R. In 2014, Company R entrusted our team to deal with the case for the . After analyzed characteristics of this case, our team formulated a comprehensive plan, and implemented this plan step by step. After we had collected the relevant evidence, and got the authentication report, we had also prepared all the other relevant documents for the police. In 2015, the case was accepted by the Economic Criminal Investigation Department of…